We are delighted to announce that the FaithPlans Programme and website is now live at www.faithplans.org – making it possible for faith communities around the world to join a global movement of religious groups taking practical action on the climate, environment and sustainable development.
The FaithPlans Programme is already the biggest and most ambitious environmental initiative by faiths. It involves faith communities planning how to use their buildings, land, investments and influence for the benefit of people and planet over the next seven to ten years.
It is organised by FaithInvest, a global NGO empowering faiths to invest in line with their values, which developed out of the Alliance of Religions and Conservation, and WWF's Beliefs and Values Programme. It is supported by nearly 30 leading global organisations and faith networks, from Operation Noah, World Evangelical Alliance and Religions for Peace to the Global Catholic Climate Movement, Bhumi Global and US-based Jewish environmental group Hazon.
Become part of the global movement of faith communities taking practical action to create a better future for ourselves, our children and future generations.
Scores of faith groups have told us they intend to develop a Faith Plan and we anticipate that eventually hundreds will sign up to do so at www.faithplans.org/sign-up. The FaithPlans Programme will be announced ahead of this year's COP26 Climate Conference and the concrete faith commitments launched next year at Stockholm +50.
Faith groups are key stakeholders in the planet. They manage huge numbers of buildings and properties, own large amounts of land and hold significant investments in the global stock markets. They also have enormous influence among their faithful.
The FaithPlans Programme offers Seven Key Areas for faith groups to consider as they develop their Plan, from Faith-consistent Use of Assets to Education and Young people, and from Wisdom to Lifestyles, but it's up to each organisation to decide where and how they target their efforts.
Join us! Sign up to develop a Faith Plan for your community. Become part of the global movement of faith communities taking practical action to create a better future for ourselves, our children and future generations.
Sign up at www.faithplans.org/sign-up
Find out more at: www.faithplans.org