Faith Plans for People and Planet
The world's faiths are responding to the 'cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor' by developing Faith Plans for People and Planet – long-term faith commitments to use their buildings, lands, investments and influence to drive practical action to create a better world – for the benefit of people and planet, and for today's and future generations. Join the Movement!
We inherited a beautiful world.
Take action to protect it – for people and planet.
Introduction to Faith Plans
We've created a beautiful animation on what the Faith Plans framework is all about.

What is the Faith Plans framework?
The world's religious groups are developing Faith Plans for People and Planet, using their assets, investments, influence and resources to drive practical action on climate change, biodiversity and sustainable development over the next seven to ten years. This is the most ambitious environmental initiative ever launched by the world's faiths.

Why is this needed?
Right now the world is facing unprecedented challenges. Climate change, the loss of biodiversity and the destruction of the natural environment threaten all life on earth. In addition the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting global economic downturn have exaccerbated poverty, inequality and suffering across the world.
What is involved in the Plans?
We have identified Seven Key Areas where faiths can have a significant impact – from their buildings, land, schools and investments to their purchasing power, influence and wisdom. Each faith group decides which areas apply to their own structure and outreach, and then plans how they will drive practical action on the environment.

Which groups are involved?
All major faith groups are involved, including Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian, Daoist, Hindu, Islamic, Jewish, Shinto and Sikh traditions, as well as key interfaith organisations such as Religions for Peace and the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative. Participants range from major international groups to small, local faith communities.

Interested in finding out more?
Download the introduction to the Faith Plans or learn how to Create Your Plan.