2009 Faith Commitments
Our Faith Plans framework builds on the success of the original 2009 Faith Commitments programme organised by the Alliance of Religions and Conservation, which helped more than 60 faith groups around the world to develop long-term commitments on the environment.
'The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it.'
Psalm 24:1-2
2009 Windsor
The first Faith Commitments programme was inaugurated by ARC and the UN. In 2009, 31 Plans were launched at the Many Heavens One Earth Celebration at Windsor Castle, UK, with HRH Prince Philip and the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon before the 2009 UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen. Each group developed a plan relevant to their own beliefs, teachings and practices, with time spans ranging from five to eight years.

2012 African Faith Commitments
In 2012, a second group of faith commitments was launched in Nairobi, Kenya. This meant that in total, more than 60 traditions from all major faiths – including Buddhism, Daoism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and Shintoism – launched environmental commitments as part of the original programme. These plans have profoundly shaped the faiths' response to the environment over the past decade. Find out more about what the faiths pledged below.
2009 Commitments by faith tradition
Click on the images below to find out what Commitments were developed as part of the original programme.