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Inspiring stories

Take action today –
for people and planet
Read inspiring case studies of faith action on the environment – whether installing renewable energy in faith buildings, growing more food more sustainably, planting millions of trees, campaigning on climate action or training the next generation of eco-activitists in their schools.

Muslims in Uganda celebrate Greening Friday 2022
What is Greening Friday? Greening Friday is held annually during the holy month of Ramadan to celebrate and protect the environment by...

Best eco-school in Kenya: superb school partnership case study
As told to Faith Plans by Barasa Wafula, Consultant in Education and Sustainable Development, Kenya A model partnership A partnership...

Faith Plans partner announces stream restoration
Jewish retreat centre continues commitment to preserving nature Pearlstone Retreat Center, a member of Faith Plans partner Hazon, is...

Faith Plans partner plants hundreds of forests ahead of COP26
A Faith Plans partner has planted more than 200,000 trees ahead of COP26, helping to demonstrate that real and genuine action is needed...

Message from China's CBCGDF on supporting Faith Plans
We were delighted to get this message from the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), our major...

Message from Interfaith Centre for Sustainable Development
Delighted to welcome the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development as a key partner in the Faith Plans for People and Planet...

Pilgrims shown the way to leave a lighter footprint
Qadiriyyah Movement, Nigeria By their nature, pilgrimages attract large numbers of the faithful, and when they travel and gather at the...

Congregations take a lead in protecting the planet
SAFCEI: Eco-congregations in South Africa It is easy for individuals to forget the enormous resources of organised religion. No other...

Cheap water filters fight disease and slash fuel use
A Rocha International Water is the staff of life – and also the single biggest source of risk of both disease and death in the developing...

Church digs deep to measure real impact of decisions
Real-world impact – Church of England investments Many faith groups are setting themselves the goal of making sure their investments...

Quaker debate leads to sale of fossil fuel investments
Quakers and disinvestment The Quaker movement has long been concerned with environmental issues, but members’ thinking on the impact of...

Farming God's Way: a Biblical approach to agriculture
Agriculture is in crisis in Africa, with soil erosion rising, crop yields falling and erratic rains due to climate change leaving farmers...

British Quakers source it ecologically, every time
Friends House, London Many walk the walk when it comes to sourcing supplies in a way that doesn’t damage the planet, but few...

Muslim activist helps a new green tradition take root
Greening Friday Just over a decade ago, Hajjat Sebyala Aphwa, a Ugandan social activist, attended an interfaith forum run by the British...

Buddhists ordain trees as monks to save forests
Monks Community Forest The Monks Community Forest is 18,300 hectares (about 183 sq km) of legally-protected evergreen forest in the Oddar...

Daoists build chain of more than 200 ecological temples
Daoist Ecological Temples Network In 2006, the first Daoist ecological temple was created at Taibaishan in China's Shaanxi Province, by a...

Hindus find common ground on climate principles
Bhumi Global The Bhumi Project (now known as Bhumi Global) was created as a worldwide Hindu response to environmental issues facing our...

Sikhs respond to climate threat with environment action
EcoSikh EcoSikh – the unique Sikh response to the climate emergency – arose out of the 2009 Windsor Celebration, the event at Windsor...

Clean power for places of worship across US
Interfaith Power & Light Interfaith Power & Light (IPL) is an alliance of faith groups from across the US. It was founded 20 years ago as...

Muslims green up world's biggest pilgrimage
Green Guide for Hajj There are 1.7 billion Muslims in the world, and environmental degradation and climate change is already affecting...

Check-up kit shows churches their green progress
Making it easy to track each aspect of environmental impact Eco-Congregation Scotland Many Christian churches are seeking a way to align...
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