Who is involved?
We have a wonderful coalition of partners ranging from the world's leading faith-based networks, which are working with their own members to encourage them to take practical action on the environment, as well as environmental groups and UN bodies, which are supporting the Plans through resources and advice.
There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth - we are all crew.
~ Marshall McLuhan, 1964
Our partners
Many of the Faith Plans will come through our partner networks – for example, the leading US Jewish environmental group Hazon is working with 200 of its members and the Khoryug Network is working with 70 Buddhist monasteries in Asia. In some cases their members will sign up to develop a Faith Plan; in other cases they will take part in a programme run by our partner network, such as Interfaith Power and Light's Cool Congregations initiative, or the Laudato Si' Action Platform's seven-step programme to bring the Pope's ground-breaking encyclical, Laudato Si', to life. Scroll down for more information on our partners.
Join us!
Together we are ALL building this amazing movement of faith communities taking practical action – for people and planet.
Religions for Peace
Global coalition where religions work together for a peaceful world, through 90 national and six regional Interreligious Councils
Laudato Si' Action Platform
Equipping Catholic institutions and families to journey towards total sustainability in the holistic spirit of Laudato Si' (the Pope's landmark 2015 encyclical)
World Evangelical Alliance
The WEA is the largest international organisation of evangelical Christian churches, serving more than 600 million evangelicals worldwide
Largest Jewish environmental organisation in North America, leading a movement weaving sustainability into Jewish life to create a healthier world for all
Laudato Si' Movement
Global network of organisations, communities and leaders working to activate the world's 1.2 billion Catholics on climate change
Operation Noah
UK-based Christian charity working with the Church to inspire action on the climate crisis. Faith-motivated, science-informed, hope-inspired
Interfaith Power & Light
Inspiring and mobilising people of faith and conscience to take bold and just action on climate change and helping to shrink carbon footprints

China Biodiversity Conservation
& Green Development Foundation
Leading national non-profit public foundation dedicated to biodiversity conservation. Coordinating the Faith Plans developed by Chinese faiths
Engaging, educating and empowering Hindus to address the triple crises of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution
Bhumi Global
Bahá'í International
The Bahá'í faith teaches the essential worth of all religions and the unity of all people, reaching five million people in 100,000 places globally
Global multi-faith climate and environmental movement to protect the planet and create a loving, compassionate and just world.
Interfaith Rainforest
Bringing the commitment, influence and moral authority of religions to efforts to protect the world’s rainforests and their inhabitants
Interfaith Center for
Sustainable Development
The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development reveals the connection between religion and ecology and mobilises people to act
Kenya Interfaith Network for Action on the Environment
Supporting African faiths to care for creation, with members from Muslim, Hindu, Catholic, Protestant and Seventh Day Adventist communities
Ethiopian Council for Gospel Believers’ Churches
Network of Evangelical Churches in Ethiopia that is an umbrella for more than 30 million members of churches and fellowships
EcoSikh is a response from the Sikh community to the threats of climate change and the deterioration of the natural environment
Focolare Movement
Promoting the spirituality of unity and building a more united world which values and respects diversity. Followed by more than two million people in 182 nations
Exploring a Jewish lens on investing and providing a bridge between the Jewish community and the values-based impact investing movement
Faith for Earth, UN Environment
The Faith for Earth Initiative from
UN Environment is uniting religions around the world to focus on environmental issues
UNDP's Learning for Nature programme
Premier e-learning programme run by UN Development Programme, providing knowledge and resources to help people build a better life
United Religions Initiative
Global grassroots interfaith network engaging people to bridge religious and cultural differences and work together for the good of their communities and the world
Yale Forum on Religion
and Ecology
International, multireligious initiative contributing to an engaged moral force of religious environmentalism through its conferences, newsletters, publications and website
Inspiring, enabling and celebrating positive environmental action in the UK and abroad since 1982. Founded by David Shreeve and David Bellamy
International cultural initiative promoting ecologically-based ideas by teachers, academics, researchers and professionals who work in environmental sciences
The Conservation Foundation
Stop Ecocide Foundation
The only global NGO advocating for and facilitating steps towards making ecocide a crime at the International Criminal Court to prevent devastation of nature and so protect the future of life on Earth
Global non-profit dedicated to transforming our global food system through sound science, impatient disruption and novel partnerships

Our Planet Our Future
Ten-year climate action campaign seeking to inspire 1.5 billion people to take urgent and measurable action to reduce carbon emissions and build the sustainable, regenerative future we require
Website coming soon
Global One
Global One is a faith-based, Muslim women-led NGO (international development orgnanisation) supporting women, girls and vulnerable communities worldwide through sustainable development
Brahma Kumaris
Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative aims to awaken greater environmental awareness within our own organisation as well as to collaborate and learn from others through dialogue and partnerships