After months of preparation and consultations with faith groups and partners, Faith Plans for People and Planet officially launches today. We are delighted to say that already scores of faith groups have signed up develop a Faith Plan – reaching out to tens of millions of people around the world.
And we know that hundreds, potentially thousands more groups will do so thanks to our extraordinary coalition of partners, many of which are working with their own networks and members to join the Movement of faith groups taking practical action on the climate and environment, using their own buildings, land, investments, purchasing power and influence to drive real change.
Organised by FaithInvest and the WWF's Beliefs and Values Programme, Faith Plans for People and Planet is one of the most ambitious faith-driven projects in history – an unprecedented channeling of multi-faith energies to address the urgent global need for action on climate change and on the environment. As FaithInvest CEO Martin Palmer says:
Given the size of their assets and influence, faiths alone, through their actions, could make the crucial difference to the world's efforts to halt irreversible climate change and reverse environmental destruction.'
The need for such action is clear. The world is facing unprecedented challenges. Climate change, biodiversity collapse and unsustainable development threaten our common home and demand an urgent, responsible and collective response.
Those committing themselves to developing Faith Plans manage billions of dollars in terms of buildings, land and financial assets. In announcing this new collaboration just weeks before COP26, faith groups are signalling their intent to put these substantial assets at the service of people and planet.